4 oz. Peach Nectar
$7.00 -
8 oz. Peach Nectar
$14.00 -
8 oz. Ocean Breeze
$14.00 -
4 oz. Pink Sugar
$7.00 -
8 oz. Pink Sugar
$14.00 -
4 oz. Ginger Lime
$7.00 -
4 oz. Mango Papaya
Epiphany by OC
Epiphany by OC is a line of soy wax candles that will burn slow and clean for the full life of the candle. Each candle is hand-poured by designer LaToya Williams.
Our candles are made from American grown, eco-friendly and sustainable soy.
We have several soothing fragrances to choose from. Keep a look out for new scents!